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During the Audit, auditors may request any of the following documents or others to support the Audit. These should be made available within 4 Hours of the request as specified in the Morrison’s terms of business.

1. Business License 营业执照
2. Organization Chart – Please supply prior to audit with Factory Profile. 组织结构图
3. ISO9000 / 14000, SA8000, HACCP, BRC等认证证书(如有)
4. Process Flow Diagram – Please supply prior to audit with Factory Profile. 工序流程图
5. Machinery List– Please supply prior to audit with Factory Profile. 设备清单
6. Machines Maintenance Plan & Records设备保养计划/记录
7. Quality Policy – Please supply prior to audit with Factory Profile. 质量方针
8. Quality Objective 质量目标
9. Quality Manual– Please supply prior to audit with Factory Profile. 质量手册
10. HARMS (Hazard and Risk Management System), Principles including HARMS team, production information, intended use, process flow, CCP, monitoring System, CAPs, verification procedure, documentation and record keeping, HARMS review etc.– Please supply prior to audit with Factory Profile.
11. Management Review Procedure and Record 管理评审程序/记录
12. Internal Audit Plan & Records 内审计划/记录
13. Training records including work skill, GMP & personal hygiene 员工的培训记录(包括工作技能、GMP及个人卫生等)
14. Legal Statutes and Mandatory Standards Applicable to Products/ Materials 产品,物料相关的拟销售地区的法律法规和强制性标准
15. Personal hygiene standards 个人卫生标准
16. Contract Review Record 合同评审记录
17. Specifications for Incoming Materials and Final Products 原材料和产品的规范要求
18. Products Change Records 产品变更记录
19. Suppliers / Sub-contractor Control Procedure and Assessment Record 供应商/分包商控制程序和审核记录
20. Customer Complain Procedure 顾客抱怨处理程序
21. Measuring / Testing Equipment List 计量/ 测试仪器台帐
22. Measuring Equipment Calibration Certificate and Records 计量仪器校验证书/记录
23. Master Reference Standards Calibration Certificate 标准块的校验证书(如适用)
24. Internal Calibration Procedure and Record,Internal Calibration Staff Qualified Certification  内校员资质,内校程序和记录
25. Purchase Procedure, Purchase Order 采购程序,采购合同
26. Quality control Instructions (Incoming Materials/ Sub-contracting Product Inspection, In-process Inspection & Finished product inspection Instructions)  检验规范(进料检验、过程检验、外发工序/产品以及成品检验)
27. Production Plan 生产计划
28. Defects Charted and Analyzed Records 质量分析记录
29. Packaging Instructions 包装指示
30. Sharp Tools Control Procedure, Sharp Tools Losing Investigation Procedure (If applicable) 利器控制程序及利器丢失调查程序(如适用)
31. Daily Issuance & Return of Sharp Tools Records (If applicable) 利器日常收发/检查记录(如适用)
32. Broken Needle Policy/ Record (If applicable) 断针控制程序/记录(如适用)
33. Glass, brittle and hard plastic control procedure and relevant register list and control record 玻璃、易碎品和坚硬的塑料及类似品的控制程序、登记清单和检查记录
34. Procedure for the effective operation, routine monitoring, testing and calibration of metal detector and relevant control record
35. Non-conforming Material Control Procedure 不合格品控制程序
36. Corrective & Preventive Actions Procedure/ Records 纠正预防措施程序/记录
37. Documents Control Procedure 文件控制程序
38. Documented Facility Inspection Procedure 定期设施检查程序
39. Regular Hygiene And Fabrication Record 定期(至少每月)卫生和装备建筑检查记录
40. Regular Air Microbiological Monitoring Record 定期空气微生物监控记录
41. Chemicals Control Procedure 化学品控制程序
42. Wood Control Procedure And Condition Checking Record If Applicable 木制品控制程序和卫生条件检查记录
43. Equipment Cleaning Procedure Including Process Cleaning And CIP Cleaning 设备清洁包括过程清洁和原地清洁体系
44. Waste Handling Control Procedure 废物处理控制程序(有资质的承包商处理危险废弃物的文件和记录)
45. Pest Control Procedure And Relevant Record 防虫害控制程序和相关的控制记录
46. Product Start-Up And Change-Over Procedure 产品开线和换线控制程序
47. Packaging And Coding Control Procedure 产品包装材料和编码控制程序
48. Inspection And Test Procedure & Report For Raw Material, Packaging Material, WIPs And Finished Product Including Microbiological, Chemical Test, Water Test, Safety Test, Life/Reliability Test, Function Test
49. Incidents, Product Withdrawals And Recall Control Procedure And Relevant Record; Annual Mock Recall Record 事故、产品撤回和召回控制程序和相关记录,年度演练记录


Email: lm@leocorp.cn

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版权所有上海励奥质量技术服务有限公司       沪ICP备08111441号-5